For Healthcare Providers

Get gold-standard concussion treatment plans right here, right now

ConcussionRx uses interdisciplinary and patient data to precisely define your patient’s “complexity subtype” into targetable areas, then recommends a treatment plan in just a few clicks.

Concussion isn’t just a "yes" or "no" diagnosis. Your subtype matters

No two concussions are the same. ConcussionRx is an AI-powered online application that precisely defines and breaks down your patient’s concussion by its “complexity subtype" - a series of symptoms on spectrums that represent how the individual concussion is presenting, alongside a clear explanation and prescriptive treatment plan for their prognosis and recovery.


Why Clinicians & Practitioners love ConcussionRx

Improve Patient Care & Outcomes

Help your patients feel clarity, hope, validation, and control in their prognosis with over 99% accurate subtype diagnosis and treatment prescriptions.

Increase Patient Turnover

With faster, more accurate diagnoses and treatment, you can increase patient turnaround and treat more patients with the highest standard of care.

Access Interdisciplinary Expertise

It takes a village of multi-modal specialists to diagnose and treat a concussion accurately, but now you can confidently access their continually updated best practices anytime, anywhere.

Get Insightful Reports in Seconds

Your instantly generated reports for your patients including an AI-assigned concussion subtype, primary and secondary clinical priorities and targets, an individualized concussion assessment prescription, and specific symptom highlights for comparison over time.

Use Anytime, Anywhere

As ConcussionRx can be accessed online from any computer, you can check in on your concussion and next steps at your convenience in total comfort and privacy.

Track Recovery Progress

The ConcussionRx application is repeatable, and based on inputs that can be rerun as often as your patient’s recovery is in process, helping you to track how your patient’s symptoms present over time.

"ConcussionRx has helped me manage my patient's recovery by providing insightful clinical reports that inform my treatment and help track my patient's recovery over time. This way I am able to ensure my patients are treated with the highest standard of care!"

"Thanks to ConcussionRx, our clients have faster recovery times allowing us to reduce our claim costs and focus our resources elsewhere! We are saving money and our clients are getting better! We couldn't recommend ConcussionRx more!"

“ConcussionRx has changed the way I look at my concussion. It gives me a visual representation of where I’m at and shows improvements over time. This has been a game changer for my recovery”


Why your patients will love ConcussionRx

Recover Faster

ConcussionRx helps patients navigate the complexities of their unique concussion in just a few clicks, then prescribes treatment plans to help them recover faster and better.

Gain Clarity & Control

Concussions are complex, often leaving patients with more questions than answers. ConcussionRx makes it simple, offering accurate insights into their prognosis.

Feel Confidence & Hope

ConcussionRx is peer-reviewed and proven to be 99% accurate, so patients can feel the calming strength of confidence in their diagnosis and hope for their recovery plan.

Simple to Use

ConcussionRx is an online questionnaire that is easy to use and can be completed in less than 60 minutes from your computer or online device - it’s completely non-invasive.

Accessible Anywhere

As ConcussionRx can be accessed online from any computer, you can check on your patients subtype diagnosis and recovery progress from anywhere, anytime.

Reduce Costs

Now your patients no longer have to travel to multiple appointments, across distances, and pay multiple fees to get the interdisciplinary expertise that ConcussionRx brings to them.

From start to finish in just a few clicks


Send a ConcussionRx link to your patients via email in just one click


They will answer a series of online questionnaires and a cognitive screening


Once all fields have been completed, a notification will be sent so you can log in and view your patient’s ConcussionRx report


The ConcussionRx report includes an AI-assigned concussion subtype, primary and secondary clinical priorities and targets, an individualized concussion assessment prescription, and specific symptom highlights for comparison over time.


ConcussionRx and the associated tests that are inputted to the AI are all repeatable, meaning you can run and rerun ConcussionRx to track your patient over time, all the way from diagnosis through recovery

FOR healthcare providers

Contact for Pricing

ConcussionRx pricing varies depending on the number
of practices, staff, and patients. Speak to us about how
we can help.

Book a Demo

Access to individualized treatment plans for each patient

Includes email automation for patient requests and logins

View patient records in a visual dashboard

Access to monthly diagnostic tests for each patient

The most affordable way to manage concussion - with proven AI behind you

Using ConcussionRx is more affordable than offering multiple specialists on-site, and less of a burden on the medical system than the “old” way - asking your patients to access the multiple teams of specialists required to separately diagnose and treat the individual components of concussion, traveling to each specialist, taking time off work, and inducing extra costs, stress and follow-up appointments from a lack of clear diagnosis and treatment.

Trusted by 300+ patients and growing

It takes a few clicks to offer your patients the gold-standard in interdisciplinary concussion diagnosis and treatment.

Ready to try now?